- Sonography Report, - Enlarge Urinary Tack by  Medicine, - Stop Infection By   Medicine, - Flush Liquid Therapy, - Repeat Water-Liquid 5 ltrs, a Day, - Stone Out..>>>>

Suffering From Kidney Stone ?

Just spare 1 Minutes in story.

Once you are diagnosed in Sonography Report  detected up to 6-7mm stone size, then you are at right time.

Mild - Broaden Urinary Track

This is Very first step- You need to mild & broaden Urinary track to pass stone, Take medicine from Doctor, to reduce abdominal pain, cramps by relaxing the muscles of the stomach and gut.

Very First Step:  Urinary track tube needed to make relax, mild and Enlarged. Then only  stone will come out. Otherwise it will not. No result seen whatever  water flush therapy we do. For this Medicine to be swallowed first. 

Medicine for Easy flow of urine out of the bladder.

Relaxing the muscles around the bladder exit and prostate gland, so urine will passe more easily. This helps empty the bladder completely.

Stop Urinary Track Infection

Antibiotic tabs stops infections & used in treating infections of the urinary tract due to stone attached to walls.

Most IMP-Need Force to flown stone

Now our Urinary Track is broaden, Enlarged, & Require force to flush stone by drinking water, lemon Juice-Liquid minimum 5 ltrs a day.

Hope No requirement to operate and saved money, time, Surgery.

From pain, Panic and kidney stone complaints within couple of days. This treatment must be under Doctors Consultations.

Finally You are Cured