100% Healthy Heart Check How ?

If You are 40+ ? Then you are at right time to to see this post, basic condition of healthy  heart can only pump our good health to enjoy longer life.

Cardio Metabolic Condition 100%  :

If you did not faced any stroke in past, then your heart is having good Health.

What is you BMI index?

Important point is: You must know your Body Mass index, if you are in 18.5 to 25- its very good, if you are 25-30 need worry and above 30, You need strong attention to bring under. 

Cholesterol Level ?

We must check every year our blood cholesterol, Best Condition is <200, HDL (Good Cholesterol)- 40-60, LDL( Bad Cholesterol) - <100, and Triglycerides( Scale) : <150,  If this is in, You are Good.

Blood Sugar level Check ?

What is Your Blood Pressure ?

Heart health is also depend on blood pressure level, We must measure & check: Good Heart Rate Condition is 80/120 mmHg.

Have you passed all previous Measurement ?

Now You are having Good heart Condition and need to maintain by daily exercise, burning dead calorie to fit healthy.

Artificial intelligence  program to check future  Heart attack.

Society for Radiology USA, recently surveyed and prepare AI based X-ray to check future pattern of shrinking of artery in our body and detect heart attack in next 10 year.

Walking is Best exercise  for heart

For Good heart life, Daily 2-3 kms walking suggested.