Chocolate Hills Natural Monument .

In 1988 National Geological Monument by the National Committee on Geological Sciences

There are More Than 1000 Natural same size hills around 100 to 500 meters from sea Level

1000+ hills, All Same sized is wonder.

In Summer, color of this hills changes and looks like chocolate color, Hence known as Chocolate Hills.

Color Changes Naturally.

Most of the hills though are found in Sagbayan, Batuan and Carmen, the later having the most uniform cone-shaped hills.

     Uni cone Shape

All equal shaped Hills  Worlds Famous Tourist spot.  360° view of the hills and the blue sea beyond

Every Year more than 2 Lcas Visitors arrived in Philippines .

Philippines is beautiful country as tourism.  

The hills are most easily accessed from a 90-minute ferry ride from Cebu to Tagbilaran, the capital of Bohol 

The country is known for having its rich biodiversity.

Philippines has a 11.31 Crore populations as on  2022.